You have your own developer team(s)? Then my seminar offerings might be interesting for you. Below, you will find a small selection, but I will be happy discuss your particular qualification needs, too.

Just reach out for me to see how I can help.

Introduction to Ansible

Red Hat's Ansible is a very popular choice when it comes to sophisticated, automated deployment. During this two-day course, participants will get an introduction to Ansible with loads of practical examples.

By the end of sessions, participants will have learned to

  • create and maintain inventories
  • manage variables on machine, group and public level
  • create/manage roles
  • create/manage/execute playbooks
  • deploy applications to multiple target environments

The seminar can be held in form of a webinar or on premise. I will provide a server environment to work with, but upon request, we can also use your own machines.

Advanced Ansible Use Cases

If you are already actively using Ansible, this one-day seminar will provide guidance on advanced usage scenarios, for example

  • templating
  • creation/usage of your own custom modules
  • security aspects

The seminar can be held in form of a webinar or on premise. I will provide a server environment to work with, but upon request, we can also use your own machines.

It is assumed that the participants have worked with Ansible before.

Automated Integration Testing / Robotframework

Want to take your automated testing activities beyond unit testing? Well, then this one-or-two-day seminar might a good choice for you. Using the popular Robotframework, participants will see who integration testing and be conducted.

By the end of the sessions, the participants will know how to

  • write automatic integration tests,
  • document test results,
  • work with test data,
  • write their own re-usable libraries
  • integrate the automated tests in the existing CI/CD chains


This 4-hour seminar provides an overview of options your development teams have when it comes to establishing a CI/CD (continuous integration, continuous deployment) chain. The course is offered as a webinar, and participants will get an introduction to two popular CI/CD approaches:

Once you have watched this introduction, we can discuss potential follow-up activities (or your take it from there yourself).

Centralised Logging, Log Evaluation

This 1-or-2-day seminar provides an introduction to centralised logging. Centralised logging is of substantial importance when running distributed applications and in microservice environments.

I will be demonstrating the installation, configuration and use of

I will also show different log shipping approaches, e.g.

By the end of the course, participants will know how to install, configure and use a centralised logging environment. They will also know what next steps to take towards becoming logging pro's.

Mobile Application Development

This 3-or-4-day seminar provides an introduction into mobile app development. The target audience are developers with non-mobile development experience who would like to take a next step.

The sessions will provide a "getting started" for

  • Apple iOS using the Xcode development IDE (Swift programming language) and
  • Google Android using the Android Studio IDE (Java programming language)

By the end of the course, participants will have created their own first (simple) mobile application for both platforms. I will also provide some overview knowledge about the deployment/submission process for the two app eco systems.